
Parts Code Matches

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1. Parts Code: M700322

Model Description Unit Ref.
Mimaki JV3-130S Pinch roller (EPDM) 12. CLAMP ASSY. - 2/2 10
Mimaki JV3-160S Pinch roller (EPDM) 12. CLAMP ASSY. - 2/2 10

2. Parts Code: M700322

Model Description Unit Ref.
Mimaki JV3-160SP Pinch roller (EPDM) 12. CLAMP ASSY. - 2/2 10

3. Parts Code: M700322

Model Description Unit Ref.
Mimaki JV3-250SP Pinch roller (EPDM) 13. CLAMP ASSY. - 2/2 10

4. Parts Code: M700322

Model Description Unit Ref.
Mimaki JV400-130LX Pinch roller (EPDM) 12. CLAMP 7
Mimaki JV400-160LX Pinch roller (EPDM) 12. CLAMP 7

5. Parts Code: M700322

Model Description Unit Ref.
Mimaki JV400-130SUV Pinch roller (EPDM) 13. CLAMP 7
Mimaki JV400-160SUV Pinch roller (EPDM) 13. CLAMP 7

6. Parts Code: M700322

Model Description Unit Ref.
Mimaki JV5-320DS Pinch roller (EPDM) 15. CLAMP ASSY -2/2 14
Mimaki JV5-320S Pinch roller (EPDM) 15. CLAMP ASSY -2/2 14
Mimaki JV5-320S-OP Pinch roller (EPDM) 15. CLAMP ASSY -2/2 14

7. Parts Code: M700322

Model Description Unit Ref.
Mimaki JV5-130S Pinch roller (EPDM) 7. CLAMP ASSY. -2/2 12
Mimaki JV5-160S Pinch roller (EPDM) 7. CLAMP ASSY. -2/2 12

8. Parts Code: M700322

Model Description Unit Ref.
Mimaki TS500-1800 Pinch roller (EPDM) 13. CLAMP ASSY -2/2 11

9. Parts Code: M700322

Model Description Unit Ref.
Mimaki UJV500-160 Pinch roller (EPDM) 13. CLAMP ASSY -2/2 10

10. Parts Code: MP-M700322

Model Description Unit Ref.
Mimaki JV150-130 Pinch roller (Urethane) 9. CLAMP ASSY. -2/2 10
Mimaki JV150-160 Pinch roller (Urethane) 9. CLAMP ASSY. -2/2 10
Mimaki JV300-130 Pinch roller (Urethane) 9. CLAMP ASSY. -2/2 10
Mimaki JV300-160 Pinch roller (Urethane) 9. CLAMP ASSY. -2/2 10

11. Parts Code: MP-M700322

Model Description Unit Ref.
Mimaki JV33-130 Pinch roller (EPDM) 13. CLAMP ASSY. -2/2 19
Mimaki JV33-160 Pinch roller (EPDM) 13. CLAMP ASSY. -2/2 19

12. Parts Code: MP-M700322

Model Description Unit Ref.
Mimaki UJV160 Pinch roller (EPDM) 8. CLAMP ASSY 10

13. Parts Code: MP-M700322

Model Description Unit Ref.
Mimaki UJV160 Pinch roller (EPDM) 9. CLAMP ASSY 10
Error Code
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