
Parts Code Matches

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1. Parts Code: 41X4464

Model Description Unit Ref.
Lexmark 5030-235 CS730de Middle section cables 9. Electrical NS
Lexmark 5030-239 C4342 Middle section cables 9. Electrical NS
Lexmark 5030-635 CS735de Middle section cables 9. Electrical NS
Lexmark 5030-695 C4352 Middle section cables 9. Electrical NS
Lexmark C4342 Middle section cables 9. Electrical NS
Lexmark C4352 Middle section cables 9. Electrical NS
Lexmark CS730de Middle section cables 9. Electrical NS
Lexmark CS735de Middle section cables 9. Electrical NS

2. Parts Code: 41X4464

Model Description Unit Ref.
Lexmark 7530-236 CX730de Middle section cables 10. Electrical NS
Lexmark 7530-239 XC4342 Middle section cables 10. Electrical NS
Lexmark 7530-678 CX735adse Middle section cables 10. Electrical NS
Lexmark 7530-679 XC4352 Middle section cables 10. Electrical NS
Lexmark CX730de Middle section cables 10. Electrical NS
Lexmark CX735adse Middle section cables 10. Electrical NS
Lexmark XC4342 Middle section cables 10. Electrical NS
Lexmark XC4352 Middle section cables 10. Electrical NS
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