
Lexmark X850e Options

Finisher -punch
Finisher -punch

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We only help you to create your parts list for request from your suppliers.

Ref. Parts Code Description Remark
1 40X0854 Punch carriage shift motor assembly
2 40X0855 Punch carriage assembly
3 40X0856 Sensor (punch unit side reg) assembly - Sensor (punch unit side reg1) - Sensor (punch unit side reg2) - Bracket
4 40X0857 2/3 punch unit assembly (this comes assembled)
4 40X0858 2/4 punch unit assembly (this comes assembled)
5 40X0859 Punch media stopper assembly
6 40X0862 Punch waste box
7 40X0930 Punch waste box full cable assembly
8 40X0864 Sensor (punch waste box full)
9 40X0865 Punch waste box set cable assembly
10 40X0861 Sensor (punch waste box set)
11 40X0850 Sensor (punch unit motor encoder)
12 40X0860 Punch unit motor assembly
13 40X0850 Sensor (punch hole select)
14 40X0850 Sensor (punch cam front)
15 40X0850 Sensor (punch unit HP)
16 40X0853 Punch unit cable assembly
17 40X0850 Sensor (punch carriage shift HP)
Error Code
Service Mode, Troubleshooting
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