Jean LaserJet Managed MFP E82550dn
Parts Catalog - Table Of Contents
- 1. Covers
- 2. Main assembly 1
- 3. Main assembly 2
- 4. Exit assemblies
- 5. Cassettes Tray 2/3
- 6. Main assembly frame
- 7. Main frame registration assembly
- 8. Drive system
- 9. Frame main pickup 1 and 2
- 10. Frame main pickup
- 11. Right door
- 12. Tray 1
- 13. Right door guide
- 14. Right door exit and takeaway
- 15. PTB transfer
- 16. Reservoir
- 17. ADF (LX/du models)
- 18. ADF exterior and ADF pickup (LX/du models)
- 19. ADF main frame (LX/du models)
- 20. Flow ADF (GX/sGX)
- 21. ADF open cover (GX/sGX)
- 22. Flow ADF upper pickup (GX/sGX)
- 23. Flow ADF stacker (GX/sGX)
- 24. Flow ADF main frame (GX/sGX)
- 25. Image scanner
- 26. Image scanner, lower
- 27. DCF main
- 28. DCF frame
- 29. DCF rear frame
- 30. Opt feed drive
- 31. DCF second pickup
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