

Pick arm and media tray assemblies
Pick arm and media tray assemblies

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Ref. Parts Code Description Remark
1 50611105 MPF lift plate assembly (MB780)
1 50611104 MPF lift plate assembly with spring (MB790)
2 50243204 MPF pick solenoid assembly
3 50428501 MPF pick roll assembly with flange and clip
4 51260803 MPF cam gear
5 npn Media tray assembly, 550 sheet (MB780)
5 501 45801 Media tray assembly (MB790)
6 50428708 Switch (media size assembly)
7 50941302 Pick arm spring
8 50428503 Pick roll assembly (2)
9 53366403 550 Sheet media out actuator
10 50243203 550 Sheet pick arm assembly with spring
11 npn Pick arm sensor cable assembly
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