
Parts Code Matches

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1. Parts Code: P MIR -000 8QS Z1

Model Description Unit Ref.
Sharp MXM182 2nd,3rd mirror 7. 2nd,3rd mirror unit 12
Sharp MXM182D 2nd,3rd mirror 7. 2nd,3rd mirror unit 12
Sharp MXM182DY 2nd,3rd mirror 7. 2nd,3rd mirror unit 12
Sharp MXM202D 2nd,3rd mirror 7. 2nd,3rd mirror unit 12
Sharp MXM202DA 2nd,3rd mirror 7. 2nd,3rd mirror unit 12
Sharp MXM202DY 2nd,3rd mirror 7. 2nd,3rd mirror unit 12
Sharp MXM232D 2nd,3rd mirror 7. 2nd,3rd mirror unit 12
Sharp MXM232DY 2nd,3rd mirror 7. 2nd,3rd mirror unit 12

2. Parts Code: PMIR-0008QSZ1

Model Description Unit Ref.
Sharp ARM161 2nd,3rd mirror 5. 2nd,3rd mirror unit 12
Sharp ARM162 2nd,3rd mirror 5. 2nd,3rd mirror unit 12
Sharp ARM162E 2nd,3rd mirror 5. 2nd,3rd mirror unit 12
Sharp ARM165 2nd,3rd mirror 5. 2nd,3rd mirror unit 12
Sharp ARM206 2nd,3rd mirror 5. 2nd,3rd mirror unit 12
Sharp ARM207 2nd,3rd mirror 5. 2nd,3rd mirror unit 12
Sharp ARM207E 2nd,3rd mirror 5. 2nd,3rd mirror unit 12
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